Message: Hi there I am looking to build and outdoor sauna room and want a wood fired sauna heater. I see you offer a few types and sizes. The sauna I am building is a square building 8' x 8'. What wood fired sauna heater to you recommend. Jay
Dated on : 02-05-2013
Replies :
Jay we have our own outdoor saunas that we manufacture and use the Kota Family 16 wood fired sauna heater. These heaters have proven to be very reliable and heat up very quickly. They have a large rock storage capacity so they can produce lots of steam. The glass window works great for interior sauna lighting. These sauna heaters can also have the chimney coming from the top or out the back, which is a good option for flexibility. Dan
Post By : Dan Jung Dated On : 02-05-2013
Wow I just clicked on the link and saw these outdoor saunas. Very interesting. I really like the look. I will do some more research on your site and see if maybe this barrel sauna would make more sense. Thanks Jay
Post By : Jay Miller Dated On : 02-05-2013